Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What Does Tingling In Your Fingertips Mean What Could Cause Numbness In My Fingertips?

What could cause numbness in my fingertips? - what does tingling in your fingertips mean

In those days I had little pain in the fingers of both hands the whole time. Today I have a feeling of numbness and tingling in my left index finger. What could be causing this? My plan is to make an appointment with my doctor, but now I wanted someone could calm my mind, or at least tell me what could be wrong.

I see that commercial and exiting from time to time with the woman who had cut his finger, and I am very nervous. I have an anxiety attack so bad that happens to me. : (


★ said...

Could it be poor circulation or a so-called Raynaud's (syndrome do not worry it does not hurt). I'm fine.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/r ...

LaGail R said...

take an aspirin "every day until the appointment of his physician, like a circulatory problem, tingling, numbness, but sounds like a peripheral neuropathy. What happens is, your enemy is panic. Stay calm.

Claude said...

not rule out plug a pinched nerve in his skin could back.or.

jenn h said...

could cts

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